
Community Helpers in Children’s Books: Who is Helping and Which Communities?

We're taking a critical look at community helpers in children's books, including how they're depicted and who they're depicted as serving.

How Library Social Workers Provide Community Support

Through the work of a social worker with the DC Public Library, we're taking a look at the role and community support provided by library social workers.

My Little Free Library Gives Out 300 Books a Month (And I’m Okay With That)

How one Rioter's Harlem LFL is bringing her neighborhood together

Shop Talk: Fantom Comics

We profile Fantom Comics, Washington, DC's queer and feminist comic book shop that is focused on building community.

Can You Rob a Little Free Library?

Can you steal a free book? Book bandits have targeted several Little Free Libraries. Learn how to keep the miniature libraries full of good books.

Riot Readers Respond: The Fat Girls in Literature

Not long ago, Mariko Tamaki, writer/co-creator of graphic novel This One Summer, wrote an editorial on Huff Post Books titled ...