
12 Lord of the Rings Bookends for Tolkien Fans

From quotes, to depictions of specific scenes, to slightly more subtle pieces, find the best Lord of the Rings bookends here!

Jazz Up Your Shelves With These Unique Bookends on Etsy

Up your home decor game in a big, creative way with these unique bookends that can be found on Etsy.

25+ Etsy Bookends to Adorn Your Shelves

A roundup of 25+ great Etsy bookends available for purchase including customizable bookends, kids bookends, and stone bookends.

14 Ridiculously Easy DIY Bookends for Your Shelves

Here are tutorials for fourteen great DIY bookends that will be ridiculously easy to make but hard to forget!

DIY $5, Five Minute Dinosaur Bookends

My friend made me the best birthday gift a couple of months ago on a whim. She wasn’t sure if ...

Bookish DIY: Bookends

I’m in the midst of planning a move across town, and I’ve got my eye on doing a few DIY ...

5 Space-Saving, Scrooge-Approved Bookends

I’m becoming the Scrooge of bookends—a skinflint of space, a miser of millimeters. When you’re faced with overflowing bookshelves, and ...

Bookends for Mother’s Day Gifts

If mom is a reader, maybe getting her something besides good ol’ lotion and bubble bath this year might be ...

10 Awesome-Sauce Bookends

When your bookshelves are packed to the gills and you have to start using the open top shelf, it’s time ...