Raymond Briggs, beloved British author and illustrator of popular Christmas story The Snowman, has died at 88.
The property that was used as the Bennet family's home in the 1995 BBC Pride and Prejudice series is for sale for £6,000,000.
Award-winning author David McCullough has died at 89, leaving behind a great legacy steeped in American history.
The $90M Batgirl movie starring Leslie Grace, J.K. Simmons, and Michael Keaton has officially been pulled by Warner Bros. studio.
San Lorenzo Library's Drag Queen Story Hour was disrupted by Proud Boys. In response, they are holding Pride events all year.
A new survey from YouGov asked U.S. Americans about their reading habits as kids and as adults. Here's what they found.
For years, a Michigan man ran a book scam that illegally generated over $3 million dollars from Amazon. Then the FBI got involved.
Add "selling books in paradise" to the list of perfect jobs that exist and read on to find out more about the position in the Maldives.
It's that time of year when we gather 'round and discuss former President Barack Obama's reading list for the summer!
The ACLU and ALA have both spoken out against the book policy being voted on tonight. There will be a press conference beforehand.