Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer

Peek Over Our Shoulders: What Rioters Are Reading On September 18, 2014

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Wallace Yovetich

Staff Writer

Wallace Yovetich grew up in a home where reading was preferred to TV, playing outside was actually fun, and she was thrilled when her older brothers weren’t home so she could have a turn on the Atari. Now-a-days she watches a bit more TV, and considers sitting on the porch swing (with her laptop) “playing outside”. She still thinks reading is preferable to most things, though she’d really like to find out where her mom put that old Atari (Frogger addicts die hard). She runs a series of Read-a-Longs throughout the year (as well as posting fun bookish tidbits throughout the week) on her blog, Unputdownables. After teaching for seven years, Wallace is now an aspiring writer. Blog: Unputdownables Twitter: @WallaceYovetich

In this feature at Book Riot, we give you a glimpse of what we are reading this very moment.

Here is what the Rioters are reading today (as in literally today). This is what’s on their bedside table (or the floor, work bag, desk, whatevskis). See a Rioter who is reading your favorite book? I’ve included the link that will take you to their author archives (meaning, that magical place that organizes what they’ve written for the site). Gird your loins – this list combined with all of those archived posts will make your TBR list EXPLODE. Then again, that might be just what the doctor ordered for summer weekend plans. Enjoy!

We’ve shown you ours, now show us yours; let us know what you’re reading (right this very moment) in the comment section below!

Amanda Diehl

Knowing the Score by Kat Latham: because I’ve been jonesing for more sports romances. (eBook)

The Apartment by Amanda Black: the premise seemed pretty interesting and it’s for review. (eARC)

Jessica Woodbury

Landline by Rainbow Rowell: because Audible had a sale over the summer that I forgot about until last week. (audiobook)

The Barter by Siobhan Adcock: for review, and fits exactly my desire for an atmospheric semi-scary book for fall. (hard copy ARC)

Greg Zimmerman

I Am Pilgrim, by Terry Hayes – needed a good thrillin’ thriller for a trip. This fits the bill, and then some. (ebook)

Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage, by Haruki Murakami – ‘cause new Murakami. (hardcover, library)

Edd McCracken

Just My Type by Simon Garfield: because you can never know enough about a font’s backstory. (hardcover)

EH Kern

Kicking and Dreaming. A Story of Heart, Soul, and Rock and Roll by Ann and Nancy Wilson with Charles R. Cross: I’m continuing on my journey through the land of biographies. This is the shared autobiography of Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart. I love Heart. (hardcover)

Rincey Abraham

brown girl dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson: I’m reading this as part of the Tumblr Reblog Book Club, which always has great YA picks. (hardcover)

Jeanette Solomon

The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith: because J. K. Rowling. (library)

The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch: I’ve been trying to read more books by men in 2014, and high fantasy is a good way to do that. (paperback)

Rachel Manwill

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty: Reading this for book club (hardcover)

One Summer: America, 1927 by Bill Bryson: I was in the mood for nonfiction that would make me say, “Did you know…” to everyone. (audio)

Rachel Smalter Hall

In the Woods by Tana French: I’ve been jonesing for the perfect detective series for ages — well-written with complex male & female characters; casual South Park references. Why did it take me so long to find Tana French? (Audio)

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart: Finally came in on my library holds list. As dreamy and wonderful as everyone says. (Hardcover, Library)

Fourth of July Creek by Smith Henderson: Another library hold I’ve been waiting for all summer. (Hardcover, Library)

Nicole Perrin

The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell: New David Mitchell is new David Mitchell (ebook)

Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 by Christopher Clark: My WWI history is pretty good, but I wasn’t nearly as solid on the lead-up. Pre-war Europe is more fascinating than even I had imagined.

Dana Staves

Day of Honey:  A Memoir of Food, Love, and War by Annia Ciezadlo:  I’ll be seeing this author read at a literary festival next month, and that’s the perfect excuse to finally read this memoir, which has been on my TBR list for a good while. (Paperback)

Nikki Steele

The Gothic Fairy Tale in Young Adult Literature: Essays on Stories from Grimm to Gaiman by Joseph Abbruscato and Tanya Jones: Still making my way through this great collection (Paperback)

Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger: Because end of summer sometimes really needs fancy steampunky books. (Audio)

The Magician’s Land by Lev Grossman: Yes. The series is wrapping up stupendously. (Hardcover)

Jessica Pryde

The Children of Odin and The Poetic Edda: Read a book a few weeks ago that put me on a real Norse Mythology kick, and I’ve never read the source material. (ebooks)

The Black Count by Tom Reiss: Decided to start listening to audiobooks (but only nonfiction at work) and this was the first one I came across in overdrive that was on my to-read list. (Audio)

Sarah McCarry

Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos by Dennis Overbye: Still not tired of books about life, the universe, and everything. (Paperback)

Bone Gap by Laura Ruby: Came highly recommended by favorites Anne Ursu and Nova Ren Suma. (ARC)

Amanda Nelson

The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula K. Le Guin: because it was the next book in the Earthsea cycle and because Le Guin is a bad ass. (Paperback)

Charles Dickens: A Life by Claire Tomalin: What could be more Dickensian than the life of Dickens? (Paperback)

Brenna Clarke Gray

The King’s Curse by Philippa Gregory: because I forgot I hadn’t finished it (I might be losing my mind). (Digital ARC)

Liberty Hardy

The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace by Jeff Hobbs, for work (Hardcover)

Dataclysm: Who We Are (When We Think No One’s Looking) by Christian Rudder, because statistics make me weak in the knees. (Hardcover)

Hausfrau by Jill Alexander Essbaum, because I want to stay on top of 2015 books. (ARC)

Murder in the Stacks: Penn State, Betsy Aardsma, and the Killer Who Got Away by David Dekok, because I am a morbid little monkey. (Paperback)

Derek Attig

The Magician King by Lev Grossman: Because I’ve decided to finish the trilogy, despite myself. (Ebook)

Rachel Cordasco

Normal People Don’t Live Like This by Dylan Landis: because I absolutely LOVED her debut novel Rainey Royal and want to go back and read everything she’s ever written (Paperback, library)

Kelly Jensen

Don’t Touch by Rachel M. Wilson: Because I love books about mental health, and this one delves into OCD.

David Abrams

The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier: Because I’ve been asked to speak at a Banned Books event in Bozeman, MT next week. (paperback)

The Three Investigators and the Mystery of the Moaning Cave by William Arden: Because reading The Chocolate War has soaked me in nostalgia and I figured it was high time I revisited Bob, Pete and Jupe. (paperback)

The Home Place by Carrie La Seur: Because Montana. (ebook)

Kim Ukura

Without You There Is No Us: My Time With the Sons of North Korea’s Elite by Suki Kim: I love a good book/memoir about cultures I will never experience. (galley)

Eric Smith

September Girls by Bennett Harrison: A YA novel I’ve been meaning to pick up for… well, the past year, September Girls was one of those books that hit with some incredibly polarizing reviews. Blogs that I frequently read either absolutely loved it or completely loathed it. When I picked up the paperback in a used bookshop last week and saw some very kind words on the back cover from Nova Ren Suma, I decided it was time to dive in and judge for myself. So far? Really digging it. I know I’ll finish it up this week. (Paperback)

Echoes of Us by Kat Zhang: The final book in Zhang’s Hybrid Chronicles trilogy. I’m going to crack this open immediately. (Hardcover)

Tasha Brandstatter

It Happened in Egypt by CN Williamson: Someone in the classics Google Group I belong to recommended CN Williamson as a good bet when one is the mood for romantic adventure novels. Plus, Egypt. (Audiobook)

Beauty and the Mustache by Penny Reid: My mom loaned me this one. (Ebook)

Rah Carter

Beowulf translation by J.R.R. Tolkien. Because new Tolkien book. (Hardcover)

The Golem And The Djinni by Helene Wecker. The title caught my attention at the library (Hardcover)

Margret Aldrich

The Replacements: All Over but the Shouting: An Oral History by Jim Walsh because I finally saw The Replacements in concert and am trying to keep the party going. (paperback)

Johann Thorsson

Breed by K T Davies. A recently-released grimdark fantasy with a comic twist. (Kindle)

The Short Novels of John Steinbeck Because John Steinbeck. (Pretty paperback)

Emily Gatlin

My Conference Can Beat Your Conference: Why the SEC Still Rules College Football by Paul Finebaum: because my two favorite things (books and SEC football) rarely collide. (Hardcover)

What the Lady Wants by Renee Rosen: forthcoming historical fiction release about Marshall Field/Chicago during the late 1800s. Now I’m in love with a store that no longer exists, but I found a whole chunk of history I haven’t explored yet… so I get to read more books about it. As you do. (ARC)

Christy Childers

Churchill by Paul Johnson: Because I’m a sucker for British history, especially when Winston Churchill is involved. (hardcover)

As for Me

Love Me Back: A Novel by Merritt Tierce: It caught my eye while reading Liberty’s New Books! newsletter this week. I wanted something gritty, that will shake me up a little. (ebook)

The Hidden White House: Harry Truman and the Reconstruction of America’s Most Famous Residence by Robert Klara: Recommended by fellow Rioter, Swapna Krishna, while several of us were in Washington, D.C. for the National Book Festival. I love U.S. History and this book is scratching all of those itches. (ebook)


Catch up with more bookish things that we are up to on Book Riot’s Instagram account. On the days that this feature runs, we’ll share a short video there from one of our contributors about one of the books they are currently reading!
