New Book Preview: December 17, 2015
This video is sponsored by Mad Men Unzipped!
Mad Men Unzipped is the story of the Mad Men fan phenomenon. Four media psychologist—who are also dedicated Mad Men fans—explore how the Mad Men’s viewers make meaning from fictional drama. It also includes interviews with contemporary advertising industry professionals and their view of the ad business in its modern guise and what they make of the show’s vision of their past. The result is cutting-edge psychological research that crunches and codes online fan commentary to understand how fans use the show to debate complex social issues.
Rebecca is back with lots of fun 2016 releases in her mailbag.
Books Mentioned
Almost Everything Very Fast by Christopher Kloeble and Aaron Kerner
The Loney by Andrew Michael Hurley
Hair: A Human History by Kurt Stenn
I Will Find You by Joanna Connors
The Expatriates by Janice Y. K. Lee
The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck by Sarah Knight