V Plus Three
Jeff and Rebecca talk about more real censorship, Caste by Isabel Wilkerson arriving, extensions of live-streaming rights for kids books, Stephanie Meyer’s unendingly surprising career moves, and more.
This episode is sponsored by:
Read or Dead
Flatiron Books, publisher of Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy
Flatiron Books, publisher of Being Lolita by Alisson Wood
The Last Stargazers by Emily Levesque
Links discussed in this episode:
More actual government intervention in free speech
PRH extends covid-adjusted ebook & digital audio terms for libraries through end of year
Oprah sends CASTE to Fortune 500 CEOs:
Authors for Black Voices online auction to support publishing/literacy nonprofits
Interview with Dana Canedy
HQN & Graydon House accepting unagented manuscripts by Black writers
Stephenie Meyer’s pandemic book tour
Weird author googling fail: John Boyne accidentally includes elements from Legend of Zelda in new historical novel