An Inexhaustible Vortex of Narrative
The week, Jeff and Rebecca talk Harrymione-gate, Dutch ebook piracy, ad-subsidized books, silent reading parties, new books, and more. This episode is sponsored by
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Links discussed in the show:
J.K. Rowling says Harry and Hermione Should Have Ended Up Together
Follow-up: Veronica Mars and G.I. Joe added to Kindle Worlds licensed characters for fan fic
Book Riot Reading Habits Survey
Sony exits North American ebook business, gives customers to Kobo
Seattle hotel bar hosts silent reading parties
New books discussed in the show:
By Blood We Live by Glen Duncan
One More Thing by BJ Novak
New in Paperback:
The Flamethrowers by Rachel Kushner
The Woman Upstairs by Claire Messud
The Miniature Wife by Manuel Gonzales
The Love Song of Jonny Valentine by Teddy Wayne
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