Science Fiction/Fantasy

Inktober 2018: Harry Potter Edition

Christine Hoxmeier

Staff Writer

Christine Hoxmeier can usually be found hard at work in her beloved home of Austin with a cup of coffee in one hand and a taco in the other. She spends her free time reading, writing, and dreaming of a teleportation device so she can visit her friends spread across the globe on a daily basis. If it were possible to live inside one Disneyland attraction for the rest of her life, Christine would cheat and choose to split her time between It's A Small World and The Enchanted Tiki Room. She prefers to communicate in CAPSLOCK and with gifs. Twitter: @aramblingfancy

October is one of my favorite months to spend on social media, as my feed is filled with drawings, sketches, and images created daily by super talented people, all in the name of Inktober. As I was compiling a roundup of bookish Inktobers for 2018, I noticed that Harry Potter was a very popular subject and theme among artists. In fact, there were more than enough Harry Potter Inktober posts to fill up an entire post of its own. So here we are! The Harry Potter Inktober 2018 themed roundup post. I’ve included one entry for each day, with a few bonus Inktobers at the end that I just had to share with y’all. Enjoy and perhaps get inspired to participate next year!

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Inktober Harry Potter Bonus posts!