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QUIZ: Which Shakespeare Retelling Should You Read?

Celebrate the Bard with this Shakespeare Retelling Quiz, and we'll give you a book to read based on a classic Shakespeare play!

6 Sapphic Shakespeare Retellings

Looking for some Shakespearean tales with a focus on queer women? Check out these excellent Sapphic Shakespeare retellings.

Why We Should Still Read Shakespeare

Shakespeare's works are everywhere, and students are continually expected to read them. Why? Is he still that important? Yes, and here's why.

Modern Versions of Shakespeare’s Sonnets

Explore some modern versions of Shakespeare's sonnets, and maybe even participate in a poetry slam, with these spoken word videos and more.

Treat Graphic Novels Like Books in 2020 (Because They Are)

Let's put the "graphic novels aren't books" argument to bed once and for all. They most certainly are. Here's why...

Begin 2020 With a Backlist Bump

Before you make grabby hands at all the buzzy new books, consider reading more backlist this year. And here's how you can find some older reads.

9 Interesting Books That Will Teach You Something New This Year

Interested in trying new habits, learning to draw, or developing self-confidence? Use these 9 books to learn something new and live your best life.

How to Find the Right Books For You

Whether drawing a blank or suffering from a reading slump, we all need help finding the right books sometimes. Here are tips for making it happen.

BOOK vs. FOMO: 3 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Missing Out and Read More

Through these three steps, you can begin to take back your life from intense FOMO and get back into the flow of reading those books.

I Can’t Believe I Only Read 20 Books in 2019. What Happened?

With a bad reading year behind me, I look at 2020 as my redemption year. I talk about how reading became a task and how I needed to change that.