This list of the most iconic book covers includes a few well-known titles, but also some truly groundbreaking covers that you may have missed.
On paper, the publishing industry seems glamorous. But this façade belies the deep problems that persist, and one of them is the low pay.
Take a trip back in time without leaving your seat with 25 of the best historical fiction books of the past 10 years!
These fantastic SFF books by Black authors reach back into the past, look ahead to the future, and conceptualize new worlds.
The quiet way we view reading today hasn't always been how we enjoyed it. Here is a brief history of when, and why, reading went silent.
Between lay-offs, CEOs stepping down, and a high profile and drawn-out strike, just what is happening right now with the Big 5 publishers?
The New York Times Young Adult Bestseller list celebrated its 10th anniversary in December 2022. Here's a look at what it shows.
See which signs have romance in store in our February 2023 horoscopes. And spoiler alert — all signs have new books to check out.
The Lonely Doll by Dare Wright was named "the creepiest children's book of all time," but the story of its creator is even more haunting.
We pit four cookbooks against each other to find the best chocolate chip cookie recipe, and here are the results, with photo evidence.