
Your one-stop-shop for reading quizzes and book quizzes, from the serious to the silly. Whether you want to find out which secondary Jane Austen character you are, or if you’d survive Game of Thrones (tl;dr: probably not), we’ve got the book quiz for you!

QUIZ: Which Fictional Library is Your Perfect Match?

Test your reader aesthetic in this fun quiz that will tell you if your fictional library match is more Bag End or a Babel.

Quiz: Based on Your 2022 Reading, Which 2023 Queer Book Should You Preorder?

Whether you were happy or unhappy with your reading in 2022, this quiz will tell you the best queer book you should preorder for 2023.

Quiz: Plan Your Perfect New Year’s Eve Celebration and Get A 2023 Book Recommendation

Tell us how you're planning to say goodbye to 2022 and ring in the new year, and we'll tell you what book you should read in 2023.

Build a Perfect Bookstore and We’ll Recommend a Book for You

Readers dream about owning their own bookstore. So let's indulge in the fantasy: design a bookstore and get a matching book recommendation!

Can You Guess These Famous Books From Their AI-Generated Covers?

Your job is to try to guess which book was the prompt that generated each of these AI images. Warning: some of the images are...unsettling.

QUIZ: Guess the Graphic Novel Based on the First Lines

How well can you remember graphic novels from their words, not their art? See if you can match these famous comics to their opening lines!

Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Covers, Expert Edition

How good at identifying book covers are you? Put your skills to the test.

Quiz: Which Book On the National Book Award Longlist Should You Read?

You could read every book on the National Book Award longlist, or you could take this quiz and get matched with the one you'll love.

Can You Guess Which Word is Missing From Each Manga Title?

Manga titles can get a little weird. Can you guess the word missing from these... unconventionally named manga and light novels?

Quiz: What Literary Family Would You Be a Part of?

Would you be a Buendía or a Bridgerton? Take this quiz to find out what literary family is the perfect fit for you.