#Our Reading Lives

Our Reading Lives features stories about how books and reading have shaped who we are and how we live.

Listening to Music While Reading Books

Do you listen to music while you read, or do you need total silence?

How I Managed to Read During My First Year as a Mom

I've been looking back on the last twelve months to figure out how exactly I managed to read anything at all. Somehow I have managed to eke in some personal time with just me and a book. Or what passes for personal time now, since the baby is almost always hanging around (or off of) me. Consequently, I had to come up with some curious methods for reading.

Not Reading Your Books? You May Be An Artist

Tsundoku is a Japanese term for amassing books and never reading them. Is it possible to find comfort in books that you might never actually read?

Why I Don’t Organize My Bookshelves

I’m pretty organized person and I’ve lived by the “for everything a place and everything in its place” philosophy of ...

What I Read When I Miss My Mother

What one Rioter reads whenever she needs to be reminded of her mother.

My TBR List is a Disaster and I’m Doing Nothing About It

Shrug forever.

The Most Embarrassing Unread Books On My Bookshelves

What books on your unread shelves are the most glaring?

On the (Unsurprising) Connection Between Books and Insomnia

An insomniac on the bedtime reading rituals she's crafted to prevent her reading life from keeping her awake.

My Lola Steals My Books

"I saw myself reflected in an older relative I loved and respected, and I felt validated in the knowledge that these books appealed to all generations."

Why I Am Choosing to Read DRACULA Instead of FRANKENSTEIN This Fall

A reader on Bram Stokers treatment of the male ego, women characters, monsters, and on why she's reading DRACULA instead of her usual fall fave.