For readers looking to find more books by trans authors, this is simple list offers a brief jumping off point.
Get your fix of upcoming events, recent news, opportunities for trans writers, and new releases from trans authors.
Where are the LGBTQ+ characters in DC's Rebirth? Jon Erik takes a look.
A lesbian sex book for anyone who's ever wondered what goes on behind closed doors in lesbian relationships; and who loves cats.
If you're interested in queer comics, then you should be reading queer history in NO STRAIGHT LINES.
Looking for LGBTQ+ comics? We've got a few great choice for fans of science fiction.
We're in the midst of a golden era for queer comics, but the history of the scene is largely forgotten – in reality, LGBTQ+ folk and comics go way back.
From Betty in Rat Queens to Flo in Tipping the Velvet: queer characters one reader wants to date!
Keri recounts her discovery of queer romances in comics, and how it affected her and changed her reading.
A reading list for those who want to know more about the history of and politics around HIV/AIDS in the U.S. and U.K.