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#Science Fiction/Fantasy

Space! Dragons! Space dragons (that’s a thing)! Welcome to the sci-fi and fantasy corner of Book Riot, where we discuss the best fantasy book series (and best fantasy books that standalone–yes, those do exist), YA sci-fi, science fiction books for kids, cozy sci-fi (also a thing!), and more. Grab your sword and hop in the spaceship: let’s get reading.

Enchantment & Intrigue: Magical Cozy Mysteries to Enliven Your Bookshelf

Curl up with these magical cozy mysteries featuring parallel worlds, charmed baking, talking cats, and more.

10 of the Best Historical Science Fiction Books

History and science fiction collide in these historical science fiction books where the future is retro and retro is the future.

An A-Z Alphabet of Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors of Color

Looking to diversify your reading list? Then this alphabet of SFF authors of color is a great place to start!

10 of the Best (and Worst) Fantasy Tropes

The fantasy genre is built on familiar tropes. From chosen ones to magical MacGuffins, here are the best and worst tropes in fantasy.

Neck-cessary Reading: 20 of the Best Vampire Books of All Time

We love a good vamp. From the classics to recent urban fantasy, these are the best vampire books of all time to read.

9 Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books With Disabled Main Characters

SFF provides a way of re-envisioning disability, challenging ableism head-on and creating new stories. Here are some to get you started.

Leaders of the Pack: The Best Werewolves in Books

Out of all the werewolf characters, which are the most fun to read? We look at some of the best werewolves in books, both classic and modern.

8 Fantasy Books Where Magic Comes With Deadly Consequences

The bigger the power, the bigger the price. In these fantasy novels, using magic means making big, even lethal, sacrifices.

8 Excellent New Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books to Read in July 2023

Drink your potions, gather your familiars, and ready your spacecrafts to blast off with these new sci-fi and fantasy books out in July 2023!

Why Are Dystopian Books So White?

From 1984 to The Handmaid's Tale to The Hunger Games, the dystopian genre is dominated by white authors. Why is that?