News on new nonfiction books and recommendations for the best nonfiction books, including historical books, biographies, nonfiction books for kids, and more, from Book Riot.
Check out these 10 2022 celebrity memoirs you may have missed last year and catch up on all the juicy stories!
Do you feel like your education left out some pretty major events in world history? These books can help fill in the gaps.
Why is the true crime genre — whether in book, podcast, or TV format — still so popular, especially when it can be potentially exploitative?
Expand your TBR and your brain power with 10 of the best essay collections! Information—it does a body good!
Whether you're ready to change your wardrobe or are just dipping your toes into sustainable fashion, these books are a great place to start.
Finding good queer representation is hard, but more queer books are published every year, including some fabulous books about aromanticism.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Waco Siege. These books explore the story behind the deadly standoff.
Want to make your own king cake this Mardi Gras? One home baker tested four king cake recipes to find out which cookbook takes the cake.
I hope that these books act as doorways into a yearlong project of reading and exploring Black queer history.
Whether you're a huge history buff or don't know much about history, the best history books of all time will educate and entertain you!