#Comics/Graphic Novels

We love capes and tights, we love graphic memoirs, we love web comics– we love it all! Stick around for comic book news, adaptation updates, and (of course) comics recommendations. That includes manga and manhwa too!

Reading Through Rebirth: Week Two

Jess Plummer is back with the second week of DC Rebirth releases. Which ones are new-reader friendly? Which series should you read?

The Art of the Start – DETECTIVE COMICS: REBIRTH (#934)

Katie Schenkel takes a look at DETECTIVE COMICS: REBIRTH and discusses why it worked so well for her.

Comics Fetish: Volume 83

It's another edition of Comics Fetish, your weekly dose of wallet pain. This week: Preacher Funko Pops, a Spider-Woman hoodie and more!

Tagging Along for the Ending: A Look at the Urban Underbrush Finale

Priya Sridhar analyzes the finale of a six-year old webcomic called Urban Underbrush and explains why she recommends it.

5 2015 Graphic Novels You and I REALLY Need to Read

It's the middle of 2016, and Swapna STILL hasn't read these 5 graphic novels that have been on her shelves since 2015. We all need to read them!

5 2015 Graphic Novels You and I REALLY Need to Read

It's the middle of 2016, and Swapna STILL hasn't read these 5 graphic novels that have been on her shelves since 2015. We all need to read them!

Conversion Stories: The Comics that Turned Us into Comics Readers

The comic books that made us comics readers.

A Magical Deadpool Dance-Off

Monica chronicles a spontaneous Deadpool dance-off at Phoenix Comicon that made the world a more magical place.

Rebirth Green Lanterns: Crossing (Out) Jordan

Thomas discusses his enthusiasm for the decision to focus on Green Lanterns other than Hal Jordan in the Rebirth series GREEN LANTERNS.

What’s On Your Pull List? June 8, 2016

Each week, one Panelteer shares what's on their pull list. This week, Thomas discusses the new titles he's excited about.