
#DiversifyAgentCarter: A Tweet Roundup

A round-up of the tweets from the #DiversifyAgentCarter hashtag.

Joss Whedon And Feminism

Joss Whedon left Twitter, and many people blamed feminists. On the need to be less extreme and the anti-feminism movement.

ASTRO CITY #16, Transgender Representation, and the 2015 Eisner Awards

Panelteer Marcy discusses transgender representation in ASTRO CITY #16.

AGE OF ULTRON and Why We Need a Black Widow Movie

Panelteer Ali breaks down why we need a Black Widow movie in the context of AGE OF ULTRON.

Women in the MCU: She’s Once, Twice, Three Times…

One Panelteer discusses the phenomenon of slut shaming of women in Marvel's cinematic universe.

Of Two Minds: DC Super Hero Girls

Two Panelteers discuss the DC Super Hero Girls initiative, and concerns and issues with the branding.

Nerd Girl Recruitment Guide

Panelteer Bri gives readers a list of comics for young girls.

On Imperfect Representation vs. No Representation

Panelteers discuss imperfect representation versus no representation in comics.

#WomenWriteFunny: Who Are Your Favorite Funny Female Authors?

The hashtag #WomenWriteFunny sent Twitter into a flurry of naming favorite funny female authors.

A Conversation About Girls’ Stories with Laurie Halse Anderson and Courtney Summers

YA authors Laurie Halse Anderson and Courtney Summers Interview about sexual assault, feminism, girls' stories, and YA Fiction