"A Boy Named Sue," among other country music legendary songs, were written by beloved children's author Shel Silverstein.
Get to know the history of Poet Laureates throughout the US, including what states have such a position and more.
How a gimmick to write more became one of the biggest literary events online.
We've all heard of haiku, but that's far from the only Japanese poetry form. It's one in a long line fantastic poetic forms.
In 1938, a radio broadcast about a Martian invasion caused a panic. It was the infamous broadcast of H.G. Wells's The War of the Worlds.
As I began the journey into my 40s, it was tough to find good books about menopause. Then 2021 hit, and things started to look up.
The Bay Psalm Book, one of the most collectible books in the U.S., fetched a record-setting price of $14.2 million in 2013. Here's why.
If you’re ready to pull out your copy of Anne of Green Gables, here is a list of seven things you might not know about the adaptation.
How did this nonfiction book from 2014 go on to top bestseller lists in 2021? Why are so many people reading The Body Keeps the Score now?
It's been in publication for 85 years, but do you know the history of THE JOY OF COOKING?