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Book Fetish: Volume 508

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Tirzah Price

Senior Contributing Editor

Most of Tirzah Price's life decisions have been motivated by a desire to read as many books as humanly possible. Tirzah holds an MFA in Writing for Children & Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and has worked as an independent bookseller and librarian. She’s also the author of the Jane Austen Murder Mysteries, published by HarperTeen, and Bibliologist at TBR: Tailored Book Recommendations. Follow her on Twitter @TirzahPrice.

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Welcome to Book Fetish: Volume 508, your round up of bookish clothing, art, accessories, reading tools, and more from around the web!

Much Ado About Nothing T-Shirt ($29): Gotta love this whimsical and classic look for one of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies!

cream shirt with a title page of Much Ado About Nothing with earth toned florals

I’m a Romance Reader Sticker ($3): Say it loud and proud!

A vinyl sticker with a pink book and florals that reads "I'm a romance reader"

Books and Coffee Can Glass with Straw and Lid ($17): Perfect for all the iced coffee you’ll want to consume while reading outside this summer!

A clear glass cup that reads "books and coffee" with a bamboo lid and a blue straw

Be Gay, Read Books Sweatshirt ($26): Be cool like this cozy frog: be gay and read books.

Tan sweatshirt with an illustration of a frog with a toadstool hat reading a book and the words "Be gay, read books"

Bookish Car Air Freshener ($15): Level up your bookishness with this handmade car air freshener!

Handmade air freshener for car in the shape of a copy of Little Women