Tracy Shapley Towley
Tracy is a freelance copywriter, all-around ne’er do well, very-adult graduate of the University of Iowa, and occasional waterer of plants. Her hobbies include writing fiction, reading fiction, mixing together various flavors of soup, and typing letters to her friends on an old red typewriter that doesn't have a working period so all sentences must end in questions marks or exclamation points? She has read every Pulitzer Prize-winning novel and has a lot of thoughts on them. Her old Iowa farmhouse is shared by her husband Sean, a pair of cats, a pair of dogs, and the ghost of Kurt Vonnegut.
Did You Like That Tweet? Then Read This Book
Tracy Shapley Towley
March 29, 2022
I've rounded up some viral tweets, but instead of going down the rabbit hole of replies, here are some matching book recommendations!
Please, Somebody Save Me From My Newest Reading Obsession
Tracy Shapley Towley
March 7, 2022
I cannot seem to stop myself from trying to read all the books nominated for literary awards, and it's killing my reading life.
Heart-Themed Goods: Wear Your Heart on Your Bookmark
Tracy Shapley Towley
February 9, 2022
If you're in the mood for love, here are some bookmarks, page holders, and clothing you can get to your heart's desire.
Valentine’s Bookmarks to Buy or DIY for Your Bookish Valentine
Tracy Shapley Towley
February 3, 2022
Find incredible free printed Valentine's bookmarks, ideas to DIY Valentine's bookmarks, and links to bookmarks you can buy.
A Partial List of the Books My Puppy Has Eaten and an Analysis of Her Selections
Tracy Shapley Towley
February 2, 2022
Maud the Bernedoodle is a bookish pup. Her interests run from serious fiction to nonfiction. Here are a few of her faves.
How Did Iowa City Become the First UNESCO City of Literature in the United States?
Tracy Shapley Towley
January 31, 2022
How Iowa City earned its designation as a UNESCO City of Literature, the first in the Americas and third ever overall.
Improve Your Reading Skills With These Online Classes
Tracy Shapley Towley
January 26, 2022
If you'd like to improve your reading while retaining comprehension, these classes cover poetry, the classics, short stories, and more.
Antiwork Books: 6 Works That’ll Answer Your Every Antiwork Question
Tracy Shapley Towley
January 18, 2022
Antiwork books of varying difficulty levels to help you understand the reasons behind the antiwork movement and the potential solution, including Do What You Love and Other Lies About Success and Happiness by Miya Tokumitsu.
TL;DR: Potentially Useful Recaps of Popular Self-Help Books of the Last Decade
Tracy Shapley Towley
January 7, 2022
Five popular self-help books. Five useful recaps of those self-help books.
An Inconsistent Grading of Way Too Many Poems From Beanie Baby Tags
Tracy Shapley Towley
December 13, 2021
Each Beanie Baby comes with its own poem on the tag. These poems range from cute to creepy to surprisingly political.
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