The Goods

Valentine’s Bookmarks to Buy or DIY for Your Bookish Valentine

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Tracy Shapley Towley

Staff Writer

Tracy is a freelance copywriter, all-around ne’er do well, very-adult graduate of the University of Iowa, and occasional waterer of plants. Her hobbies include writing fiction, reading fiction, mixing together various flavors of soup, and typing letters to her friends on an old red typewriter that doesn't have a working period so all sentences must end in questions marks or exclamation points? She has read every Pulitzer Prize-winning novel and has a lot of thoughts on them. Her old Iowa farmhouse is shared by her husband Sean, a pair of cats, a pair of dogs, and the ghost of Kurt Vonnegut.

My sweetie is a pretty classic Valentine’s Day giver: I can count on flowers and chocolate, plus a smoochero or two. He’d never buy me a book because A) he thinks I have too many (he’s very silly) and B) he wouldn’t know where to begin picking out a book for me. While I like flowers and chocolates fine, in a perfect world I would receive bookish goods as gifts every day of the year. A great solution? Buy me some Valentine’s bookmarks, Valentine!

In the past, the closest I’ve gotten to using Valentine’s bookmarks has been using actual Valentines as bookmarks. While this is far from the most uncommon thing to use as a bookmark, wouldn’t the world be a better place if I (and you, and your sweetie) had love-inspired bookmarks to keep our place in our favorite romance novel? Or bildungsroman? Or horror manga? Whatever floats your love boat, let’s mark it with a cool bookmark!

Good news for you, I’ve rounded up some of the coolest options, including free printable Valentine’s bookmarks, DIY Valentine’s bookmarks, and a few you can buy from top Etsy sellers. Some of these are ready to go as-is while others will require some crayons/paint/colored pencils/what have you. If you’re super crafty, just use these options as a jumping-off point and show us what awesome things you come up with!

And if you’re in need of a Valentine, check out this quiz to learn What Book Should Be Your Valentine. You can also pop over to check out other Valentine’s Day Gifts for Book Lovers and be wowed with candles, chocolate, and scarves. I can’t even believe how many problems I’m solving over here: you’re welcome!

Free Printable Valentine’s Bookmarks

Valentine's Bookmark

You can find a few options of free printable Valentine’s bookmarks at ThirtyHandMadeDays. My favorite is these bright and bold lovelies, though you can find more subdued options and a few lighter colors at the link.

Printable valentine's bookmark

These printable V-day bookmarks are fun and punny — and free for personal use. Score!

Coloring Book Valentine's Bookmarks

Whether your Valentine loves to color or you want to personalize your Valentine’s bookmarks by doing your own coloring, these free printable bookmarks are great for creative folks.

DIY V-Day Bookmarks

Speaking of creative folks, if you want to make your own Valentine bookmarks from scratch, these are just a few of the best tutorials out there.

DIY Valentine's Bookmarks

This sweet little paperclip DIY Valentine’s bookmark doesn’t take more than a printer, a paperclip, and a little bit of felt. Even if you have no experience sewing, the directions are pretty easy to follow.

Washi Tape Valentine's Bookmarks

If you’re like me and have approximately nine-thousand rolls of Washi tape (or if you’re a more reasonable person and have at least a few) these Washi tape DIY bookmarks are interesting. They do require a laminator or Mod Podge, either of which can be purchased fairly cheaply.

Origami Valentine's Bookmarks

If you have a few pieces of pretty paper lying around, this Origami Valentine’s Day bookmark is as simple as following some easy directions.

Valentine’s Bookmarks for Sale

If you don’t have time to make your own, or you want to leave the crafting to the pros, you can’t go wrong with these Etsy wares.

Quilted Valentine's Bookmarks

I love these quilted bookmarks that are a little subtler. If you’d rather whisper Happy Valentine’s Day than scream it, these would do nicely. $6

Gnome Valentine's Day Bookmarks

These are cute, gnome what I mean? Sorry for that terrible pun — sometimes I can’t control myself. Please don’t let it prevent you from checking out these truly adorable gnome Valentine’s bookmarks. $9

Leather Valentine's Bookmarks

Be still my leather heart, these leather bookmarks are a little too fancy for me, but if your Valentine would love a bookmark that’s coffee- or wine-colored, these are a good choice. $5

Cherry Blossom bookmark

What’s sweeter than cherry blossoms? If you think roses are sweeter, don’t worry — this flowery bookmark comes in rose, too. $9

If you’re not inspired by any of these options, check out 7 DIY bookmarks, peruse a few bookmarks for kids, or a treasure trove of the best Etsy bookmarks.