Kristen McQuinn

Kristen McQuinn is a medievalist who dreams of reading more, writing more, and traveling more while being the best single mama by choice she possibly can be. By day, she can be found working with English teachers at the University of Phoenix, where she also teaches the occasional class on mythology, Shakespeare, or Brit lit. Sometimes she updates even her own blog. Follow her on Twitter:@KristenMcQuinn or  Twitter: @KristenMcQuinn

Other Women’s Stories: Favorite Terry Tempest Williams Quotes

The best Terry Tempest Williams quotes about women, community, and wilderness.

Adult Fiction and Nonfiction Read-Along Book Pairings

Bolster that fiction storyline with nonfiction readalikes. Here are 6 fiction and nonfiction book pairings to start with.

20 Of The Best Historical Mystery Books, Or They Don’t ALL Have to Be Set In Regency England?

When two historians discuss the same event, you’ll end up with three different perspectives. That's why historical mystery books are so fun.

Robins of the Hood: Robin Hood Retellings and Histories

A look at the origins of the Robin Hood legend, with recommendations for fictional retellings!

Rex quondam, rexque futurum: Arthurian Legend in History and Literature

A medievalist talks about all things Arthurian legend and lists some excellent reading for fellow enthusiasts.

Audible App Adds Car Mode!

Audible adds a "car mode" to its app, increasing button size for people who don't have Bluetooth in their cars.

What We Learned About Writing from Non-Writing Books

For National Day on Writing, Rioters share lessons they've learned about writing from books that aren't about writing.

Arrr, Ahoy Me Hearties! Books for International Talk Like a Pirate Day

There best not be landlubbers here because it's Talk Like a Pirate Day, and we're celebrating with nautical jargon and these pirate-themed books!

15 Of The Best Audiobooks for Younger Children

Share story time with your younger kids with these audiobooks!

100 Must-Read Medieval Historical Fiction Novels

A list of must-read medieval historical fiction novels set in Japan, the Middle East, England, and more.

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