Every year (probably every day) more books are published than one person could possibly read. So how do we go ...
While researching for this post I made an amazing discovery, one of those times when you stumble upon something you ...
So you like Nineteen Eighty-Four? Good. Among all the novels in the world, it is my personal favorite. Reading it ...
It starts like this: Jewel Cobb had long been a legendary killer in his midnight reveries and now he’d come ...
To celebrate the end of the year, we’re running some of our favorite posts from the last six months. We’ll ...
For coverage of the best books in the world, there are a number of sites. 101 Books is a site ...
Novellas, works of between 20,000 and 40,000 words, are awesome and wildly underrated. Ian McEwan recently called the novella “… the ...
Three previous winners of the Booker Prize count among my favorite books, but one, probably the most popular recent winner, ...
I’m into books. So much so that I own more than one book about books. Yes, that’s right, books about ...