To celebrate Book Riot’s first birthday on Monday, we’re running our best 50 posts from our first year this week. ...
Let it not be said that the folks at Ladbrokes don’t have a sense of humor. There, at the end ...
My literary pet peeve is readers who have pet peeves. That’s a statement that surely won’t make me popular, but ...
Labor Day weekend is something of a turning point in the long haul of the year. We’ve traversed two-thirds of ...
Even with the sad (or happy, depending on your Tobey Maguire-ness) news that The Great Gatsby movie’s been delayed until ...
There’s a passage about halfway through Don DeLillo’s novel Underworld that is so profound, so unerringly elegant, that I very ...
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then parody is the sincerest form of mockery. That’s especially true when ...
If you’re like me, your first reaction when someone doesn’t love a novel you loved is to get defensive. But ...
Earlier this week, Publisher’s Weekly posted a short list of five “perfect” sentences on its blog. The post says, “To get ...
The literary interwebs seems to have lit up in recent weeks with posts about jerk-ass authors. Earlier this week, a ...