Grace Lapointe

Grace Lapointe’s fiction has been published in Kaleidoscope, Deaf Poets Society, Mobius: The Journal of Social Change, and is forthcoming in Corporeal Lit Mag. Her essays and poetry have been published in Wordgathering. Her stories and essays—including ones that she wrote as a college student—have been taught in college courses and cited in books and dissertations. More of her work is at, Medium, and Ao3.

5 Unforgettable Books About Heroism During the Holocaust

Pick up these books to expand your knowledge of the Holocaust and its heroes who resisted and fought against the Nazi regime at great risk.

SUCH A PRETTY GIRL is a Necessary, Compelling Memoir

On Nadina LaSpina’s SUCH A PRETTY GIRL, a new memoir about being disabled in Sicily and New York from the 50s onward.

How Thomas Hardy Helped Me Process Trauma

A reader on discovering TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES while processing sexual assault, and how reading the book became a cathartic, relatable experience.

Why the GAME OF THRONES Finale was Frustrating for Disabled Fans

"Especially with a cultural juggernaut like Game of Thrones, the depiction of marginalized people can impact our treatment in the real world."

CATCH-22 on Hulu is a Compelling, Emotional Adaptation

Catch-22 by Joseph Heller will always be one of my favorite books. It transcends its setting and seems universal. I ...

What’s in a Title?

Taking a look at book titles: what they imply about the book, how they affect reader experiences, and some not-so-great original titles of famous works.

The Detail That Most CAT PERSON Discussions Missed

Taking a look back at the viral short story CAT PERSON, a reader analyzes some missed points about consent and communication in sexual encounters.

Plot Holes are the Real Crimes of Grindelwald

A Harry Potter fan points out some inconsistencies and problematic messaging in THE CRIMES OF GRINDELWALD film.

Are Some Books Impossible to Film?

When I learned that one of my favorite books from my childhood, The Giver by Lois Lowry, would be adapted ...

6 Compelling Books Set in Massachusetts

A diverse set of must-reads set in Massachusetts!

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