Elizabeth Allen

Lifelong book lover, Elizabeth Allen managed to get a degree in something completely unrelated that she never intends to use. She’s a proud Connecticut native who lives in a picturesque small town with her black olive-obsessed toddler daughter, her prom date-turned-husband, and her two dim-witted cats Penny Lane and Gretchen Wieners. She spends her days trying to find a way to be paid to read while drinking copious amounts of coffee, watching episodes of Gilmore girls until the DVDs fail, waiting for her husband to feed her, and being obnoxiously vain about her hair. Elizabeth’s work can be found at www.blackwhitereadbooks.com, where she is currently reading and reviewing all of the books referenced in Gilmore girls. She is also the cohost of two podcasts discussing the work of Amy Sherman-Palladino (“Under the Floorboards” and “Stumbling Ballerinas”). Basically, her entire goal in life is to be a bookish Lorelai Gilmore. She clearly dreams big. Twitter: @BWRBooks

Learning to Love Poetry: Read to Me

Not into reading poetry? Try having it read to you instead.

Scammers, Pyramid Schemes & Con Artists: A Reading List Inspired by The Dream Podcast

It’s Small Business Saturday. You’re excited to see your friends and family members post their photos as they go out ...

Dear Publishers: An Open Letter to Book Publishers in 2018

No, really. We do not want another book by a politician who espouses racism, xenophobia, the list goes on... And we assure you, neither do you, publishing.

Reclaiming My Time: Steps to Keep Donald Trump from Stealing My Reading Joy

A reader on how Donald Trump and the current political climate have stolen her reading joy, and her strategy for reclaiming reading time in 2019.

The Best Comedy Books That Can Save Us from 2018

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What Sabrina Got Wrong: Additional Reading on Paganism and Witchcraft

THE CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA is a fun series, but lets get a few things straight about witchcraft with these books about Wicca and Paganism.

Audible vs Libro.fm: Which Audiobooks Option Should You Choose?

We're taking a look at two audiobooks options--in the battle of Audible vs Libro.fm, which platform best fits into your reading and listening life?

Stormy Daniels To Release Tell-All Memoir

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Riot Roundup: The Best Books We Read in August 2018

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14 Ridiculously Easy DIY Bookends for Your Shelves

Here are tutorials for fourteen great DIY bookends that will be ridiculously easy to make but hard to forget!