Erika Harlitz-Kern

Erika Harlitz-Kern holds a doctorate from a Swedish university and can't get enough of history, books, and music. Her earliest memories involve a comic book and a Dutch troubadour. She has travelled South Asia on a shoestring, although nowadays she spends most of her vacations in the Mississippi Delta. Lives with her husband in South Florida, because sooner or later they would've ended up there anyway. Blog: The Boomerang Twitter: EH_Kern

Alternative Nobel Prize in Literature Announced

An alternative Nobel Prize in Literature for 2018 will be awarded by The New Academy, a Swedish non-profit organization.

We Think These Are The BEST Science Fiction Authors

A list of the best science fiction authors of the past 150 years.

Anthony Bourdain and the Yangambi Research Library on the Congo River

Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown visited the librarians who fight to save the abandoned Yangambi Research Library on the Congo River.

50 Must-Read Books About Tudor England

50 must-read books about Tudor England in all its contradictory glory of racism, conviviality, homosexuality, female friendship, childbirth, witch trials, antisemitism without Jews, encounters with Islam, conflicts with Spain, and Shakesqueer.

The Nobel Prize in Literature: Where Do We Go From Here?

The Nobel Prize in Literature 2018 has been cancelled following sexual assault allegations, cover-ups, and and a criminal investigation. Now what?

The Nobel Prize in Literature 2018 Cancelled in the Wake of #MeToo

The Nobel Prize in Literature 2018 has been canceled following accusations of sexual assault, financial misconduct, conflicts of interest, and the resignations of nearly half of the Swedish Academy's members.

The Swedish Academy Collapses. Two Additional Members Have Resigned.

Two more members of the Swedish Academy have resigned, crippling the institution and endangering the Nobel Prize in Literature.

The Disintegration of the Swedish Academy: Is This the End for the Nobel Prize in Literature?

In the wake of #metoo, the future of the Swedish Academy and the Nobel Prize in Literature is in jeopardy.

10 Things You Need to Know about the Sarajevo Haggadah

10 Things You Need to Know about the Sarajevo Haggadah, a magnificent medieval book that has survived persecution, the Inquisition, the Holocaust, and the Yugoslavian Civil War.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas, the Writer and Activist Who Changed the World

Marjory Stoneman Douglas (1890–1998), freelance journalist, civil rights activist, and women's rights activist whose work helped save the Everglades of Florida, after whom the Parkland high school is names.

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