Cassandra Neace

Cassandra Neace is a high school English teacher in Houston. When she's not in the classroom, she reads books and writes about them. She prides herself on her ability to recommend a book for most any occasion. She can be found on Instagram @read_write_make

Andy Serkis Will Read THE HOBBIT for the NHS

Andy Serkis will read THE HOBBIT online as a fundraising effort to benefit the NHS.

Daniel Radcliffe Leads All-Star Harry Potter Read-Along

Daniel Radcliffe will lead an all-star read-along of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Experience Shakespeare Online During Quarantine

When schools shifted online, culture shifted online, too. Now, there are more ways to experience Shakespeare online than ever before.

Why Reading Pandemic Lit Gives Me Hope

Pandemic lit has always been my favorite kind of reading because these stories, even at their darkest moments, give me hope for what is to come.

5 Books Set on the Moon

Let's go to the moon with these books.

Finding Mongolian Literature in Translation

When I decided to move to Mongolia, I tried to find Mongolian literature in translation. There's not much out there, but this is a good starting point.

Bookish Ways to Keep Busy During a Quarantine

Bookish ways you can occupy yourself when you end up in quarantine.

Obama Shares 2019 Summer Reading Recs

Former President Barack Obama announced his summer 2019 reading list. Add these thoughtful, introspective, and critical reads to your TBR.

10 Terrific Dinosaur Books for Adults

The continued success of the Jurassic Park franchise just goes to show that most of us never got over our ...

The 5 Best Bookish Episodes of M*A*S*H

I have relied on the darkly comedic stylings of Benjamin “Hawkeye” Pierce, BJ Honeycutt, Klinger and the rest of the ...

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