Bronwyn Averett

Bronwyn Averett holds a PhD in French literature, and as a certified book doctor she advises consuming a wide variety of texts. Literary loves include contemporary African and Caribbean fiction, gigantic novels of the 19th century, short stories by Mavis Gallant, and 90's YA. She writes about reading at Follow her on Twitter @indirectlibre.

How to Be a Customer in a Book Shop, According to Bernard Black

Seriously, we're closed during lunch.

The Nutcracker: A Reading List

Books (fiction and nonfiction) to read if you love The Nutcracker!

How to Read Through a Season of Family Gatherings

How to get the most from your books during family time, while also actually spending time with your family.

Joni Mitchell’s Blue: A Reading List

A reading list for those winter days when you really wish you had a river to skate away on.

Leonard Cohen’s Last Album: A Reading List

What to read while listening to Leonard Cohen's last album, and remembering this incredible writer and musician.

Canadian Reads for Remembrance Day

Books to pick up for Remembrance Day.

How to Be a Customer in a Book Shop, According to Bernard Black

Seriously, we're closed during lunch.

Books for Beginning Bibliotherapy

Books that will help guide you through the process of incorporating literature into your therapy regimen.

10 Books from the Summer to Make You Smarter in the School Year

Entertaining and educational books from the summer to help you transition to the academic year.

Three Women Writers of the Caribbean You Absolutely Must Read

Your TBR list goes on a Caribbean vacation and comes home really socially aware.

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