A List of my Bookish Lists on Li.st
I know, it’s been a while – what, two or three weeks? – since I last mentioned The List App in a Book Riot post. The app is now known simply as Li.st, and it’s still just as great for bookish types. Still don’t believe me? Here are some examples of lists I’ve made in the last nine months or so. (The + sign means that the list is collaborative, with many people suggesting items – one of the many things I love about this app.)
Best Bookish Lists on The List App
Books for when reading feels hard +
Books I hope they option for movies
Songs about books and writers +
Book bloggers on The List App +
What I will do when I get a book deal
Why The List App is great for writers
Wit and Wisdom from Margaret Atwood
Things That People in the Book Industry Love and Don’t Love About Their Jobs
Dear Mr You: some quotes from Mary-Louise Parker’s memoir
Books too good to own just once +
Wit and Wisdom from Jesse Eisenberg
Books to help us live more thankful lives
Reasons you might want to consider buying your books somewhere other than Amazon
What plays should I read next year to continue my theatrical education? +
The thoughts of a book nerd after a bookseller whispers to her that President Clinton is downstairs
Novels I’d like to read that don’t yet exist
The thoughts of a book nerd deciding which books to take home for a three-week Christmas holiday
Books I brought on my trip to Europe, ranked by my likelihood of getting round to reading them
I am more likely to pick up your book if…
Books I’ve loved this year (2015)
Last minute suggestions for book gifts
Why I love being in a book club
Some books I really want to read despite the fact that I keep getting distracted by new releases
Emotions felt so far in the seven months since signing up with a literary agent
Some lovely quotes from Fates and Furies
People who bought my book about The West Wing also like…
Join in the fun! I’m BookishClaire on there – find me, and find some great reading recs and conversations about books.