“The Blair Witch Book Trailer”
It would probably have taken me a while to stumble across the trailer for Rhiann Ellis’ novel After Life on my own. The book is being re-released by Amazon, and I have such conflicted feelings about them these days that I would have hesitated before checking it out. But it’s also for a book from Nancy Pearl’s Book Lust Rediscoveries, and that compensates for some of my misgivings. I trust her opinion.
I also trust Margaret Atwood. It was a tweet from her that alerted me to the existence of the trailer. When she said she that the trailer had convinced her to buy the book, I took note. She went on to call it “fetching. Sort of the Blair Witch Book Trailer.” I had to watch.
[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZYca5PHsqo[/youtube]So what do you think? Was this trailer so good that it convinced you to buy the book?
I’m really, really tempted.