Gotta Pun ‘Em All: The Classics as Pokemon
Pokemon Go is going wild, y’all. It’s a free smartphone app that dropped on July 6 and uses your GPS to show you the Pokemon that are always around you in the real world (Okay, not really. It’s just a game, people).
When you’re walking around, open the app and you’ll find a Charmander in your kitchen, or a Shellder in your bedroom, or a Jigglypuff in your office at work. Your favorite coffeeshops are turned into Pokestops, your grocery stores are turned into gyms. It’s taking over the world.
And you better believe we Poke-punned a bunch of classics for ya. Sure, there are the obvious ones — Harry Potter and the Pokeball, Pokemon Farm — but… Just, here. We gotta Catch-22 ’em all.
The Great Gyrados
Of Rattata and Men
The Snorlax Also Rises
I Know Why the Caged Zubat Sings
The Bellsprout Jar
Little Wartortle
To Kill a Magikarp
A Tale of Two Pidgeys
Invisible Mankey
The Poliwag and the Pauper
Jane Eevee
Madam Butterfree
Pride and Pikachu
The Hitmonchan of Notre Dame
Ekans Frome
Their Eyes Were Watching Geodude
Song of Squirtle
The Importance of Being Electrode
The Catcher in the Rhydon
Uncle Tom’s Clefairy
The Dratini Code
The Legend of Sleepy Haunter
The Vulpix Suicides
Heart of Drowzee
Romeo and Jynx
Great Exeggutors
Doctor Farfetch’d
Crime and Ponyta
Gone with the Weedle
One Flew Over the Charizard’s Nest
Weezing Heights
The Perks of Being a Wigglytuff
Abra in Wonderland
Native Sandshrew
A Tree Grows in Bulbasaur
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Mime
Editor’s note: We didn’t draw the Pokemon on these book covers. Also, they 100 percent were not meant to look artsy. Just funny. Don’t judge us.