Magical Cities in Literature Day
Consider us your tour guides to the magical cities of literature today! Hop aboard the enchanted transportation of your choice, and follow us to places both familiar and entirely original. We implore you to consider the merits and horrors of each destination before you head down its narrow streets and alleyways. For better or for worse, it’s all on the page—some cities will leave you yearning for entry, while others will have you appreciating home sweet home.
What’s the wait? Take a trip to these magical cities today:
8 of the Best Magical Cities in YA Books
Let these YA books transport you to magical cities where anything can happen and the streets are alive with enchantment.
New York City in Children’s and Young Adult SFF
A bustling, fascinating city makes the perfect setting, or portal to, worlds of fantasy and imagination in these New York City SFF books for young readers.
Unique Magical Cities You Might Want To Visit
Taking a look at some of the most magical cities in science fiction and fantasy books for your next trip across the page.
5 Urban Sci-Fi and Fantasy Novels to Add to Your 2020 TBR
Don't miss exploring the magical cities of these fantastic urban science fiction and fantasy books hitting the shelves this year.
All That Glitters: The Fantasy Cities You Don’t Want to Live In
Do you dream of glittering, shimmering utopias, their streets pouring forth with witchcraft and wizardry? Then rethink a trip to these magical cities.
Magical Cities in Great Middle Grade Series (That Are Not Harry Potter)
Oh, oh, oh, it's magic! Visit eight magical places that are not Hogwarts in these mighty adventurous middle grade series about magical cities!
In Defense of Druhástrana, the Nightmare Country of GINGERBREAD
Taking a close look at one fictional, shifty, fairytale region. Consider Druhástrana, the Nightmare Country of Helen Oyeyemi's GINGERBREAD.
6 Magical Cities and Their Real World Inspirations
You may not be able to travel to these fictional fantastical cities, but you can take a trip around the world to the locales that inspired them.
Quiz: Which Magical City Should You Live In?
In magical cities, everything is possible. Take this quiz and find out which magical city from fantasy you should live in.
5 Frightening Magical Cities of Fantasy and Horror
From King's Landing to Gujaareh, from real places to fictional ones, these magical cities are filled with baddies and bad times and bad dogs.
7 Captivating and Unique Magical Cities
Fantasy novels must have a setting that has as much life as the characters. These 7 captivating magical cities in books are deadly beauties.