#studio ghibli

A Heart’s a Heavy Burden: 10 Books Like HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE

If you're looking for stories like Diana Wynne Jones' classic tale, check out these fantastical books like HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE.

9 Breathtaking Books Like Princess Mononoke

These books like Princess Mononoke capture the magic of one of Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli's most beloved films.

What To Read Next, Based On Your Favorite Hayao Miyazaki Movie

If you're looking for books with Studio Ghibli vibes, you're in luck. Here's what to read next, based on your favorite Hayao Miyazaki movie.

Studio Ghibli’s Other Director: A Read-Alike Guide to the Films of Isao Takahata

Get to know the films of Studio Ghaibli's Isao Takahata and books to read alongside them, including Where The Mountain Meets the Moon.

How EARWIG AND THE WITCH Helped Me Understand the Benefits of Horror for Kids

We don't necessarily think of the horror genre as being a great benefit to kids. Earwig and the Witch shows us how we're wrong.

Books for Miyazaki Movie Fans

For every magical Miyazaki movie, there's a book to go with it.

Literary Tourism: Tokyo

Kristina gives you a tour of Tokyo as it relates to bookish folks.

The Book Adaptations of Hayao Miyazaki

I don’t know if you’re a fan of filmmaker and animator Hayao Miyazaki. There are reasons you might not be. ...

Hayao Miyazaki and the Courage to Quit

Legendary filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki – an animation god, and a remarkable storyteller beyond that – has just released his latest ...