
Why Some Book-to-Film Adaptations Fail

Some books-to-film adaptations are fantastic, some are emphatically "meh," while others are staggeringly bad.

Poets Write the Best Love Letters

A review of WHERE NIGHTS ARE TWICE AS LONG and other literary love letters for Valentine's Day.

10 Signs You Have Low Bookish Self-Esteem

How low self-esteem affects reading and what can be done about it.

Reading Is a Political Act

Reading is, by its very nature, a political act; it cannot be separated from daily politics or societal concerns.

Wait, I’m Excited about DC Titles?!?

Panelteer Chris Rohling discusses his excitement about DC's new title lineup.

Genre Kryptonite: Therapy Memoirs

Rioter Jeanette's round-up of the therapy memoirs she recommends!

Ladies in Spaaaaace: Feminism in Bitch Planet and ODY-C

Bitch Planet and ODY-C are two issues in, and both present compelling new takes on feminism in comics storytelling.

Let’s Talk About Trigger Warnings for Books

A case for warnings on books with graphic content.

Reading Diversely FAQ: Part 4

Part 4 in our series of FAQs about diversity and books!

Let’s Talk About That Titans TV Cast

So, we have our Titans, at least according to this Nerdist News segment, which offers up some exclusive tidbits on ...