Minh Le

Minh is the author of Let Me Finish! a debut picture book that will be published by Disney-Hyperion in 2016. By day he works in early childhood policy and in 2010 helped design 826DC‘s Museum of Unnatural History (the only place you can both support youth creative writing and get your daily supply of unicorn tears). He also writes about children’s lit at Bottom Shelf Books and occasionally for the Huffington Post and others. Follow him on Twitter @bottomshelfbks.

The New Hip Hop: A Picture Book Playlist by C.G. Esperanza

A few weeks ago, half asleep and in search of coffee, I stumbled upon Red, Yellow, Blue (and a Dash of ...

Celebrity Selfie Book Club

“Hey, I’m having a really great time with you.  Let’s capture the moment by taking a se… cond to read ...

One More Look: Favorite Picture Book Art of 2014

Amidst the flurry of end-of-year lists, I started getting to get nostalgic for all the great books that we’d be leaving ...

Picture Book Adaptations (Sort Of) That Need To Happen

While we at the Riot take some time off to rest and catch up on our reading, we’re re-running some of ...

Subversion in Children’s Literature

The often overlooked truth about children’s books is that they are written by… adults. As in, real, live human adults ...

Book Riot’s Favorite Sentences

For some reason, whenever I hear that someone writes “great sentences,” my ears always perk up. Which is funny because, if ...

My Dream Kidlit Panel (BookCon Edition)

Book Expo America, particularly BookCon, has been getting a lot of heat recently for its selection of speakers. It started ...

Doing the Unimaginable: An Interview with BEEKLE’s Dan Santat

Yesterday, a curious little character named Beekle introduced himself to readers all over the world. And in my humble opinion, this marshmallowy ...

Together Toward Ourselves: 35 Bookish Wedding Readings

We’re heading into another wedding season, which means a lot of you are in the thick of planning for the ...

Our Reading Lives: What’s Your Binge-Worthy Read?

With February all abuzz with the Valentine’s Day release of House of Cards, there was a lot of talk about the ...

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