#william faulkner

Out of Faulks to Give: My 21 Months with THE SOUND AND THE FURY

Why one reader stuck it out and finished The Sound and The Fury...after almost two years.

Old Timey Author Audio Recordings

Want to hear Tolkien recite elvish, Conan Doyle talk about Sherlock, or Langston Hughes read poetry to jazz music? Read. On.

The Time Hunter S. Thompson Wrote Faulkner a Letter

An unlikely connection between Hunter S. Thompson and William Faulkner

Literary Tourism: Southern Literary Trail

The South has one of the richest literary traditions on Earth, so it is a fitting place for the only ...

On Re-Reading THE SOUND AND THE FURY (Over and Over)

This is a guest post from Angela Pneuman. Angela’s novel, Lay It On My Heart, was released on July 1, ...

Books To Get You In The Passover Spirit

It’s that time again, ladies and gents: that’s right, the Passover and Easter season. Easter bunnies everywhere, Manischewitz wine flying ...

William Faulkner in His Own Words

While William Faulkner has never faded into literary obscurity, he is a bit more front and center these days due ...

Six for the Money: Nominating Authors for a Place on U.S. Currency

Word is Jane Austen is headed for the £10 note. I nominate six American authors for the honor of appearing on U.S. Currency.

“Listening to Books is Cheating” and 7 More Myths About Audiobooks

  A few years back, I found myself in a situation where I needed to fold 300 origami peacocks in ...

The Trailer for James Franco’s AS I LAY DYING Movie Adaptation

Look, y’all, I know I’m supposed to roll my eyes at all things James Franco, but this actually looks…not terrible. ...

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