I love a Pride and Prejudice retelling as much as the next person, but I have a whole wishlist of other stories I'd love to see reimagined.
How retellings extend the life of the classics by inviting new readers in and exploring old and new ideas side-by-side.
What makes a great story worth retelling, and what kinds of stories should we expect to see retold in the future?
One rioter describes her struggles learning to read and how the book Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine changed everything.
These diverse romance retellings demonstrate that telling a more inclusive version of a classic makes it even more worthy of a new audience.
From India, China, Japan, Korea, and more, these retellings reimagine myths and legends from these Asian countries.
What if Cinderella never made it to the ball? What if the Prince was a Princess? The authors of these retellings took those what-ifs and decided to run with them,
Through recognizable characters and narratives, retellings by queer authors and authors of color show that these stories can belong to anyone, anywhere.
If you're ready to bring on the cozy this winter, sink into one (or more!) of these delightful middle grade modern adaptations of classic stories.
Seek help from Baga Yaga and travel with Peter Pan to Neverland in these 20 must-read middle grade fairytale retellings.