Celebrate the moms, mom figures, and caregivers in your life with these excellent Mother's Day books for kids!
Parenting is hard, and Circe's reflections on parenthood serve as lessons — and commiseration — for those who need them.
I've been looking back on the last twelve months to figure out how exactly I managed to read anything at all. Somehow I have managed to eke in some personal time with just me and a book. Or what passes for personal time now, since the baby is almost always hanging around (or off of) me. Consequently, I had to come up with some curious methods for reading.
Here are some great quotes about parenthood that beautifully describe the many facets of raising children, to remind you that you are not alone.
One reader survived new motherhood by joining cloth diapering Facebook groups--and then she found one that produced book-themed cloth diapers!
On the books that helped one reader and new parent get through parenthood and escape from the drudgery and responsibility of everyday life.
An inclusive round-up of the best books on pregnancy, childbirth, labor, and parenthood, just in time for Mother's Day!
One new mother turned to books (obviously) to help her cope with unexpected challenges of parenting. Here are a few recommendations.
On becoming a new parent and struggling with not reading...and whether it changes your identity.
One new parent talks about the challenges of reading while learning about new motherhood.