
Why Are We Attracted to Fictional Monsters?

One reader muses on exactly what is so appealing about monsters in fiction.

New Academic Conference on Comic Books Talks About Monstrous Women

A recap of the Monstrous Women in Comics Conference, an interdisciplinary academic conference on comic books and graphic novels.

Celebrate Women in Horror Month with 41 Black Women Writers

Why you need to pick up a new anthology of horror poetry and short fiction from black women writers!

100 Must-Read Books About Monsters

Monsters under the bed. Monsters in the closet. Monsters in the woods. Sea monsters. Otherworldly monsters. When we want to ...

Philippine Monsters that Deserve Horror Novels

Here are three monsters from Philippine folklore that deserve to be featured in mainstream horror fiction.

How Mirka Got Her Sword: Yarn, Yelling, and Yiddish in Hereville

Monica discusses the graphic novel How Mirka Got Her Sword, and the religious and fairy tale themes that run through it.

What’s on your Pull List?: December 9, 2015

Every week, a different Panelteer will give you a rundown of the comics on their pull list for the week. 

Things Get Broken. Things Explode. It’s a Dinosaur Disaster.

Dinosaurs. Monsters. Destruction. What more could kids ask for in an educational comic?

18 Reasons to Follow Conan across the Sands of Zamora

Real men wear loincloths, and so do real women! Experience Conan the Barbarian in all its violent, sensual, and unintentionally comedic glory.

Are You Afraid of ‘Monsters in America’?

Whether you’re over the whole zombie thing or getting ready to read the next big literary zombie novel,  it’s difficult ...