#Megan McCafferty

Miss Jordan Catalano? Read the Jessica Darling Series

Marcus Flutie from Megan McCafferty's SLOPPY FIRSTS is a new and improved version of Jordan Catalano.

7 Excellent YA Sci-Fi Romance Series

Today’s post is sponsored by the Matched Trilogy by Ally Condie. Read the whole series here for under $9 (today only)! Cassia has always ...

Beyond the Bestsellers: So You’ve Read DIVERGENT

“Beyond the Bestsellers” is a new feature I hope to run at least once a month that highlights YA books ...

Feminism in Young Adult Fiction

This is a guest post by Kelly Jensen. Kelly is a librarian and a blogger at STACKED. She loves black licorice and ...

What Next?: Three Books to Read After THE HANDMAID’S TALE

The Handmaid’s Tale came in at #37 on the list of Riot Readers’ top 50 novels. Atwood tells the story of ...

12 Movies That Should Be Books

Around Oscar season, there’s always a lot of talk about book-to-film adaptations. But personally, I’m more interested in seeing it ...

Looking Forward: 2012, the Year of the Sequel

I’ve barely finished my Best of 2011 lists, and already, I’m gearing up for 2012 releases. But I’m not alone. ...