
The Fishy Love Stories of Junji Ito

Paul reflects on Junji Ito's horror comics.

Shojo Me the Manga: “Girls'” Manga Is for Everyone

Shojo manga is traditionally considered "girls'" manga, but Kory argues it's for everyone.

3 Manga I Read in January

Last time I discussed my November reads, but since I didn’t read any manga in December, I skipped that month and ...

Licensing Limbo: The Fear of Every Manga Fan

Let's talk about the difficulties of licensing limbo -- when a manga title becomes unavailable for whatever reason -- and what we readers can do about it.

Remembering and Celebrating the Wily and Wonderful Shigeru Mizuki (1922-2015)

Paul pays tribute to manga giant Shigeru Mizuki, who died this week.

Comics Fetish: Volume 54

Get a weekly selection of rad comics merch in our column Comics Fetish.

Comics Fetish: Volume 52

Check out this week's Comics Fetish, and all the cool stuff money can buy.

Comics Fetish: Volume 50 (Puzzle Edition)

Settle in for Comics Fetish, which features nothing but awesome puzzles this week.


Paul talks the joy of ONE-PUNCH MAN.

Comics Fetish: Volume 48

Gird your wallets and check out this week's comics fetish.

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