The UK's Save Our Libraries campaign, spearheaded by librarians and authors, began nearly 10 years ago - but has it achieved its goal of stopping closures?
A school librarian talks about the importance of building and maintaining a digital space and suggests website resources for school librarians.
How one reader who thought she had grown out of borrowing books regained a passion for using the local library.
From hip hop to Yiddish works to sourdough starter, explore some of the most niche libraries and collections found on the globe and online.
Prepare to fall down the rabbit hole of fascinating, fun, and intriguing free things that you can access from the Library of Congress website!
Learn about the Library Bill of Rights, with explanations and examples of how library users might apply them in their own use of their libraries and more.
Many libraries publish art and lit magazines featuring authors and artists from their local community and from all over the world.
There are resources for kids' book tastings, but what about the grown people? Here's a how-to for hosting a book tasting for adults at a public library.
From social media to reader's advisory, take this library science career quiz to find your perfect fit among five fields of librarianship.
A school librarian shares info about the Youth Media Awards, ways to celebrate awards season in the library, and some bonus predictions!