
Cover Reveal: The Final Installment of the Jackaby Series

An exclusive cover reveal and excerpt of William Ritter's The Dire King, the final installment of the Jackaby series!

Giveaway: Three Books in the Jackaby Series by William Ritter

Enter to win the three books in the Jackaby Series by William Ritter.

Giveaway: JACKABY and BEASTLY BONES by William Ritter

Enter to win free copies of both Jackaby and Beastly Bones by William Ritter!

The Well-Readheads Take Book Expo America 2015

Rebecca and Liberty descended on NYC for this year’s Book Expo America, North America’s largest book trade show. Spoiler: Everyone ...

Put These YA Titles From 2014 on Your TBR

There are tons of “best of” lists floating around this time of year, and as someone who loves a good ...

Giveaway: Signed Copies of JACKABY by William Ritter

This giveaway is sponsored by Jackaby by William Ritter. Doctor Who Meets Sherlock in Jackaby, the thrilling new series by William ...