If you are a fan of Alie Ward's podcast OLOGIES, here's a list of eight books by various ologists, including cynology and halloweenology.
Since at least ancient Babylon, we have been staving off potential book thieves with book curses. Here's a little history of how it went.
The history of the word "bookish" might be more surprising than you'd expect–and its connotation less positive.
On learning to appreciate the complexity of London as a newcomer through urban fantasy and history books.
Do you feel like your education left out some pretty major events in world history? These books can help fill in the gaps.
Whether you're a huge history buff or don't know much about history, the best history books of all time will educate and entertain you!
Find amazing California history books that delve into the many dynamic facets of the Golden State's history in this list!
Read your way into excellent new nonfiction hitting shelves in December, including titles on finance, animals, asexuality, and more, including Financial Feminist: Overcome the Patriarchy's Bullsh*t to Master Your Money and Build a Life You Love by Tori Dunlap.
Migrating peoples not only bring themselves, but also their culture and ideas. Learn more about this history in these books about migration.
From handwritten letters and zines to LiveJournal and then TikTok, bookish fandoms continue to reinvent themselves to stay relevant.