
Are You a “Real” Reader?

If you've got a case of Reading Impostor syndrome, we're here to help you figure out your ~Real Reader status.

Fiction 101: Literary Genres, Defined

Literary fiction, romance, science fiction, and more literary genres, defined.

Gendered Genre Terminology: Books for Men

We women get all these fancy terms to describe books meant for us. But what about books for men?

Coursera Lit Class Wishlist

Some literature classes I would love to see offered online through Coursera.

There’s Something About Gillian Flynn (or, When There’s More to Genre Than Meets the Eye)

When Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl left me gasping for more earlier this summer, I plowed through her backlist over a ...

Sub-Genres at a Glance

So, one of the single most useful internet tools I’ve seen at Book Expo America this week is Book Country’s ...