You may have missed these awesome under-the-radar picture books by creators of color. Add them to your list now!
There are more picture books being published now that feature children of color, but are authors and illustrators of color writing them?
Enjoy these multicultural Cinderella picture books as lovely bedtime stories, leave them strewn around the house, and let them take you far and wide.
A list of twenty 2019 picture books ranging from animal stories to sibling rivalry to picture books about accepting each other's differences.
This list showcases 10 great recent picture book biographies by and about trailblazing women—get ready to inspire the young reader in your life.
9 times out of 10, Rapunzel is shown as a blonde. Here are 8 children's books offering a diversity of Rapunzels and hair colors.
Here are some of the best nonfiction picture books for kids, including award-winning nonfiction picture books and nonfiction picture books about animals.
Looking for new diverse pictures books? We have ten picture books featuring children of color, published in this last year.