
The Ultimate Social-Distancing Relationship in Fiction

Taking a look at one fascinating example of social distancing relationships with Helen Schulman’s 2018 novel COME WITH ME.

Libraries Reopen in COVID-19 Hot Spots: Are Library Staff Being Protected?

In considering whether staff are being protected as libraries reopen during the pandemic, we take a look at some Arizona libraries.

The 16 Best Pandemic Books, Fiction And Nonfiction

Some people want an escape from COVID; others want to dive in deeper to find out more about similar points in history with the best pandemic books.

Quaranzines are Popular and Libraries are Noticing

Quaranzines collecting people’s quarantine experiences are growing in popularity, and provide important information, and libraries are noticing.

A New Role for Little Free Libraries

Taking a look at some of the helpers who are turning their Little Free Libraries into Little Free Pantries to help neighbors in need during the pandemic.

As Bookstores Reopen, Stores Seek Safe Practices

As bookstores reopen, owners are prioritizing safety for employees and customers above all else. Find out what's happening from the sources.

Librarians in Phoenix Become Healthcare Workers

With no city public health department, the City of Phoenix repurposes librarians as public health workers.

Which Version of THE PLAGUE Is More Relevant to COVID-19?

Camus's THE PLAGUE and Kevin Chong's retelling touch on grimly familiar aspects of a pandemic--here's how each book resonates with our current reality.

The Importance of Pandemic Diaries

It may be that the thought of reading about pandemics sounds like too much too soon, but this reader is here to say pandemic diaries are important.

Amid a Pandemic and Information Crisis, FL Library Funding Demolished

A line-item veto by Governor DeSantis in Florida demolishes funding for online learning and information accesss.