#books about death

Learning to Say Goodbye: 8 Children’s Books About Death

No one ever wants to need children's books about death, but hopefully these titles can help the healing begin.

Erica Buist Talks Death Festivals in THIS PARTY’S DEAD

Talking to Erica Buist about traveling to seven different death festivals around the world for her book, THIS PARTY'S DEAD.

50 Must-Read Books for Tackling Fear of Death

If you're looking to read your way through a fear of that inevitable final act, pick up one, or a few, of these must-read books about death.

How Caitlin Doughty Convinced Me To Pick Out My Own Casket

If you've never thought about your own burial, why not start now? Caitlin Doughty convinced me to pick out my own casket. Maybe she can convince you too.