#Bookish Social Media

Goodreads Needs to Do Better by Marginalized Authors

As is evident from the latest messy book world drama.

Authors and Bookish Accounts to Follow on Bluesky

If you're curious about the book scene on Bluesky, or want to curate your experience, here are some accounts to follow.

Ladies, He Is a Literary Persona

We rounded up some bookish funnies from the newest meme on the block for you. Ladies, if he thinks "diversity" is a genre of books, he is NOT your man.

The Week in Romcom-Starved Bookish Twitter

Romcom-starved bookish Twitter had a field day with the new 'To All the Boys I Loved Before' adaptation, along with some other things of less importance.

The Week in Funny Book Twitter

Write according to the Hogwarts houses, are the Infinity Stones really from Claire's, and a...dick soap. Funny book Twitter brought it this past week.

95 Authors to Follow on Twitter

Looking for more bookish Twitter accounts to follow? Start here!